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- https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/6606196473?pwd=aHkzbUF1aStnMTFiRzRzWHJ6UXZkUT09
In this presentation we discuss a specific area of pragmatic socialization (i.e., socialization of affective and moral stances) by examining young children’s crying and adults’ and peers’ responses in Swedish and Japanese preschools. Based on approximately 100 hours of naturally occurring interactions, we focus on crying that emerged primarily within peer conflict, and analyze ways that teachers responded in a triadic framework of mediation. The results show how teachers carried out an intervention phase where they engaged children in question-response sequences to clarify what happened, and a reparatory phase where they used directives and declaratives to convey norms of acting and speaking, and to attune children to the crying of others as an affective act that requires a compassionate response. We also discuss co-present peer responses to children’s crying and their socializing potentials with regard to children’s verbal and embodied displays of empathy or their non-engagement.